How to create engaging content for employees

27 July, 2022
Corporate content is a simple, understandable, and inexpensive way to manage employee engagement and corporate culture while also being a crucial element in any change in the company. To help you create efficient content for employees, we have prepared these 4 tips.

1. Use modern formats

Corporate communications have to compete with various personalized social media content. If you do not give employees helpful information in a convenient format, then your messages will not be read. This means you will be less effective in influencing employee engagement.

Depending on the composition of the team (office, remote or hybrid), communication channels and goals, you can use and mix different formats. Among the engaging forms of communication are: videos, infographics, interviews and articles with illustrations, surveys, and interactive offline events (training, master classes).

For effective communication of information, formats should be combined so that each employee is informed in the most convenient way for them. For example, if you are introducing new corporate culture practices, it is worth preparing videos, articles, pieces of training and tests on this topic. So the maximum possible number of employees will be aware of the changes, and the content will not be boring for everyone.

2. Share real stories

Employee success stories, customer cases, and descriptions of various business processes are formats that everyone likes. They not only tell about real people and situations (which already generates more interest and trust) but also help to present information in a memorable and engaging way.

The main property of history is change, the improvement of the initial situation. Inspiring success stories that show the positive results of your shared work will make employees feel their impact and will motivate them to work harder, hence increasing engagement.

We suggest three types of stories for HR content:
One day at work... – tell about the working day of a particular employee. Show what tasks they perform and what problems they solve and add real photos. So your employees will be aware of the huge amount of work that is happening in your organization. This will create a sense of community and a shared impact on the company's success.

Success or Change Story – tell the success story of an employee who joined the company and progressed successfully thanks to talent and hard work. Or maybe you have an employee who came to one position, but, realizing that it did not suit them, decided to stay in the company and move to another department? Such stories motivate employees and can increase their retention in the company.

Customer cases – share a story of your company's client (organization or person). Behind every customer story is the value your company brings. Employees must understand this value and know exactly how the result of their work can help the community. In addition, this format is suitable not only for HR but also for marketing needs. Find out if your marketing specialists already have great success stories to share with their colleagues.

3. Use the right illustrations

The main advice here is not to use faceless, non-personal illustrations when communicating with employees. For example, instead of using stock photos, invite a photographer and take photos of colleagues at work. It is also worth taking a lot of photos of the office and corporate events. So illustrations for your content will evoke positive emotions, and company messages will be more personal.

The same goes for client stories. If it is not possible to use real photos, you should ask the designer to prepare illustrations in a corporate style or get images of your product.

4. Work on your headlines

The headline or title is the first thing employees see when they see the content. It is important to grab their attention and explain the essence of the message in one sentence. Try to put only the main idea in the title, so the open and read rate will be much higher.

Broadcast content with Workstories

Regardless of the format and type of content, Workstories will help you distribute it to employees as efficiently as possible. Corporate Stories allow you to share videos, news, important announcements, metrics and KPIs, surveys and, of course, employee and customer stories in a concise and engaging format. Viewing Stories takes only a few minutes, which saves lots of time for employees. And creating Stories does not require much time or any special skills, but the created content can be shared without changes on computers, smartphones and any digital screens in the office.

Register on our site now and try Workstories for yourself. We will also contact you and offer a demo meeting, where we will tell you in detail about the product and answer any questions.
Learn more about Workstories and how it can help with internal communications
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